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Here at Southeast Pet, we like to think we know a few things about the pet industry. However, if there is one thing Southeast Pet can say without a doubt we are experts on, it's hiring kittens.
Our older office cat, Cricket, is reaching retirement age, so we recently hired two new kittens to pick up her slack. After many interviews with other qualified kittens, Jack & Purrl were hired from the rescue industry and have adapted quickly to the challenges of daily life at Southeast Pet.
With that being said, here are:
10 Reason Why Your Next Employee Should be a Kitten:
1. Kittens know business
"Purrductivity is up 28% this quarter" - Purrl
2. You'll never find a harder working employee
Purl & Jack are shown here working overtime.
Don't even try to tell us your employees work this hard.
3. Kittens are fast typers
Jack quickly inputs an order for a customer.
4. Kittens are great at organizing documents
See how Jack moves the papers to the floor,
Then Purrl assists with the sorting.
5. They make sure other employees stay on track.
"Are you watching cat videos or working?!" - Purrl
6. You can trust them to take care of the office fish
"Can someone show me how to get the top off this thing?" - Jack
7. Kittens are great at training new employees
"I think the mouse is over here..." - Jack
8. Leave the decorating up to them
"Can you bring that shiny ball a little closer?" - Purrl
9. Kittens are great at proofreading documents
"You spelled 'meownetary' wrong." - Jack
10. Purrformance reviews aren't necessary
Kitten Labor Laws are practically non-existent.