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Talking about raw goat’s milk is really a passion of mine, and chances are I might talk your head off about it if the topic ever comes up in conversation. I want to give you a brief overview of the benefits of raw goat’s milk and share some of the positive results I have seen happen with my own dogs on goat’s milk. Seriously, the results my retailers, their customers and I have seen goat’s milk do for pets are truly amazing.
Raw (unpasteurized) Goat's Milk is, as some say, one of Mother Nature’s perfect foods.
Why goat's milk instead of cow's milk? Goat milk has a smaller fat and protein chain which makes it easier to digest than cow milk which comes mostly from Holstein cows.
But won’t pets have diarrhea if they drink milk? We’ve all heard that, but today we’re talking about raw milk. Raw goat’s milk is great for you pets digestion and is very different from the pasteurized milk found in your local grocery store. Pasteurization kills the vitamins and most of the enzymes in milk. One of those enzymes that is killed is Lactase. Lactase is the enzyme needed to break down lactose because goat’s milk has it, you don’t need to worry about lactose intolerance. Raw goat’s milk can be used in place of pumpkin to firm or soften stool’s that are too loose or dry.
Our pet’s bodies only make the enzymes needed to break down what they are currently eating, so if they always eat the same diet, they don’t have all the enzymes needed when switching foods. Raw goat’s milk has all of the enzymes needed for digestion, so no tummy upsets when switching foods.
Raw goat’s milk will populate the gut 100 times more than powders or pills, and is absorbed within 20 minutes of drinking it. Basically, it gets the gut in perfect order…and if the gut is in order, the rest of the body has to follow suit.
What makes Raw Goat’s Milk so wonderful? Here’s my ABC’s of Goat’s Milk:
Antihistamine & Anti-Inflamatory. Raw goat’s milk from grass fed goats is a natural antihistamine helping with allergies. It stabilizes mast cells that reduce inflammation caused by allergies. Because of this stabilization of mast cells, it is also a natural anti-inflammatory.
Bacteriacins. Most of the raw goat’s milk that is available for our pets, is fermented/cultured, increasing tremendously the amount of probiotics in the milk. This gives the milk longer shelf life in the refrigerator after thawing by adding bacteriacins (nutrients made to fight bad bacteria). Once the milk is thawed, it is good in the refrigerator for 7 to 14 days, depending on the brand.
CLA. Raw goat’s milk from grass fed goats is high in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). This a cancer fighting fat. CLA has been proven in European studies to reduce the risk of cancer by 74% and existing tumors by 60%.
Caprylic Acid. Raw goat’s milk from grass fed goats is also high in Caprylic Acid, a yeast fighting fat. This is where we have seen the most incredible results. Dogs with yeasty feet, ears, tummies, and even tear stains, gone after only a few short weeks drinking the goat’s milk. I ran into an English Bulldog breeder in one of my stores and she told me she no longer ‘bleaches’ the tear stains before going into the show ring. All her Bulldogs get goat’s milk daily. She was thrilled by the results after only 3 ½ weeks. Note though, the yeast will sometimes get worse first, as it comes out of the body, but it will get better (mostly ears, not so much tear stains).
How should you feed it? Sometimes I give it to my dogs straight in a bowl, sometimes on their dinner or breakfast, or sometimes mixed with a raw egg. If you like, you can also thaw the milk, then pour it into ice cube trays and refreeze it to made goat’s milk ice cubes. Since milk separates when frozen, I shake it up a bit before pouring and make sure it is totally thawed before serving.
My Testimonial. Both of my dogs have been drinking raw goat’s milk for almost 2 years now. When Tucker, my little guy, he had problems with a yeasty tummy and within 3 weeks on goat’s milk, it went away. He’s a wire haired dachshund and has those long ‘hound’ ears. Although he has never had yeasty ears, but they can get smelly and dirty. That’s not the case anymore. I hardly ever have to clean them. And that actually goes for both my dogs. I don’t bathe them as often as I used to either. And NO doggy smell.
What I didn’t expect, was that after about 4 ½ months of drinking the milk daily, was that he would become so playful. He instigates play every day with his ‘sister’. He never did that even as a one year old. Tucker would be so content to just veg all day or sit on my lap. He feels so good now, bouncing around and is more active and playful as an almost 7 year old than he was as a 7 month old.
Both my fur ‘kids’ get their goat’s milk daily and I think they’d run away from home or report me for ‘dog abuse’ if I ever stopped. They love it!! They know when I’m getting it out of the fridge and they start ‘dancing’ and screaming until it gets in their dishes for them to drink. Raw goat’s milk is the best thing I have ever given my dogs. ‘Little man’ had some issues, but now they are gone and he feels great! My little girl has not had any health problems, but she gets the milk daily as well. I know it will help keep them both the healthiest they can be and I want them around for a long, long time.
Ingrid with her two furkids, Abby & Tucker